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The micro-trained bots of MSPbots are known for providing value to businesses by taking action acting on critical issues in real-time. It automates The bots automate repetitive tasks and takes take away inefficiencies by flagging action key items from key in BI reports and encouraging productive behavior in the organization. This article discusses the types of bots and how each can add value to work for your MSP.

Table of Contents


Use this guide to see how you can leverage each type of bot can work for your MSP's business needs.

Bot TypeDescriptionExamples
Alert The Alert bot is one of the most commonly used bots
in the MSPbots app. It sends automated alerts to
flag users
about action items or
escalates to managers
when expected
whenever the needed actions are not taken or specified parameters are not met. The alert messages are sent in real-time so that users can take immediate action and get back on track ASAP.

Time Entry Bots, After Business Hours Verifier, Idle Time Verifier, Next Ticket Rejected Alert, Ticket Resolution Prompter, Ticket Not Updated, Priority Tickets Alert

Reminder Reminder bots send out regular alerts to clock in or out, start tasks,
complete entry descriptions,
among others
and other tasks that you specify in the configuration.

Clock In/Out Reminder, Task Prompter, Time Sheets Submission Reminder, Onsite Schedule Prompter Real-time

Time/UtilizationTime and Utilization bots send out timed notifications pertaining to
a staff member
utilized time, schedule, and accomplished tasks
. These give recipients snapshots of the tasks that technicians
worked on and
if required, a comparison to the company's standard or benchmark utilization.
an insight into how individuals or the company compare to internal standards and to other companies in the same industry. 

Tech Stats Reviewer, Attendance Auto Out, Last 5 Day's Work Hours Summary, Daily Statistics Per Resource, Tech Utilization, Team Statistics EOD

Ticket relatedTicket-related bots are
created to manage tickets or tasks assignments, progress, and updates among other functions
helpful in monitoring ticket status and ensuring that action is done promptly until resolution.

Ticket Resolution Prompter, Ticket Notifier, New Tickets for the last 7 days, Stale Ticket, Daily Ticket Statistics


Report bots

send status

deliver data,

updates, or a set of numbers that help in making decisions.

summaries, and insights that will help decision-makers formulate informed business decisions. 

Last Week vs. This Week, Late Time Entry Team Monthly Leaderboard, Monthly Business Report, SMaRT Hours for Clients, Past 4 Months, Weekly Tickets Needing Attention

QAQA bots prompt users for any missing information or documentation
that would help technicians and managers to complete data forms.

Ticket Closure QA, Ticket QA, Categorization, Attached Agreement Mismatch Prompter, Ticket QA, No Ticket Owner

These are bots whose function is to prompt
Financial bots alert users for any revenue, income, and expense-related triggers.

Revenue this Week, Expense Report Alert on the 15th day

Information/input requiredSimilar to QA bots, these bots are automated system triggers that require users to provide
input in order to add more information to tickets, tasks, or others.

Work Type Prompter, Scheduled Ticket Acknowledgement, Short Time Entry Verifier

Attendance Attendance bots generate
alerts and reminders pertaining to staff attendance.

Attendance Adjustment Pending for Approval, Weekly Attendance Summary

What are the features of the MSPbots bots?

Bots showcase the following features: 

  • Support for customized workflows 
  • Ability to send alert messages to channels and email
  • Capability to limit alerts to departments or roles
  • Support for all integrations like MS Teams, ConnectWise, Autotask, and more

How can my company benefit from bots?

The bots of an adequately set up connection with MSPbots have the following benefits for your company:  

  • Bots, datasets, and dashboards are tailored to your business needs
    Administrators can create custom bots that positively impact your business in areas that matter to you as a business owner or service delivery manager. 
    • A remarkable increase in productivity
    • Improved operational efficiency
    • Reduced average call handle time
    • Enhanced customer experiences
    • Increased compliance
    • Reduced operating costs

  • Your employees work efficiently with the help of our bots with a logic setup that promotes prompt action-taking. 
    1. Bots check the trigger settings that you have configured in your widgets.
    2. Bots send alerts about tasks or recommended actions.
    3. Bots improve people management because the escalation process ensures management that all tasks are monitored until completion.

Frequently asked questions on bots


How do the bots work?

Each bot does its job differently from others and according to how it is configured. Admins micro-train the bots and adjust the settings that will:

  • identify conditions that will trigger the activation of a bot,
  • define the alert message, 
  • create the schedule or time frame for sending the message, and
  • identify the channel where the alert will be sent.

Alerts can be sent through MS Teams chat, MS Teams channel, email, or web message. If configured to escalate, the bot will also send a message to an escalation manager whenever the expected action is not taken.

For more information, please read How to Create a Simple Bot from a Widget

Is there a limit as to when the bots can run?

There is no limit to the


number of messages or alerts


that bots can send in a day. Once a trigger


condition has been hit,


an active bot will automatically send


messages according to how it is configured.

Do bots require a separate integration?

No, bots do not need a separate integration setup. Bots work with


PSAs like ConnectWise and Autotask, RMMs like Liongard, CRMs like Hubspot, or any other platform.


You just need to connect these platforms via a secure API and


you are good to create the bots! 

Is there a bot to alert or send a message if the user or technician has not acted


on the original alert?


You do not need to create a separate bot to send another alert whenever the required action was not delivered by a technician. You just have to configure the bot to send escalation alerts to specific managers or individuals in your organization. 

Can a bot be modified or turned on or off by a user



Admins can modify and disable existing bots.

What are the Trigger and Alert columns for bots?

Include Page
What are the Trigger and Alert columns for bots?
What are the Trigger and Alert columns for bots?

For more information, please read How to Stop Receiving Bot Alert Messages.

What do Ready, Received, and Read messages mean?

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What do Ready, Received, and Read messages mean?
What do Ready, Received, and Read messages mean?