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Widget  NameTypeDescription DashboardWhat problem does it solve?Target User/sWhy should the target user care about this/ why is it cool to use?
Service Offline Card NumberA card number widget showing the count of machines classified as servers that are not online nor suspended.Machine Monitoring

Machines Requiring RebootCard NumberA card number showing the count of machines that are not online and require reboot.

Machines Without Recent AuditsCard NumberA card number widget showing the count of unsuspended machines that have no audit earlier than 7 days ago.

Out of contact MachinesCard NumberThis is a count of devices with last seen earlier than 7 days ago.

Open AlertsCard NumberThis is a count of open alerts in AEM that aren't muted.

Suspended MachinesCard NumberThis is a card number widget that lists down the total number of suspended machines

Top 25 Installed applicationsGridA column widget showing the count of installed applications limited to the top 25, not including the CentraStage agent.

Open AlertsCard NumberThis is a count of open alerts in AEM that aren't muted.Alerts

Alerts Over 5 Hours OldCard numberThis is a count of open, not muted alerts over 5 hours old.

Devices with Active AlertsCard numberThis is a count of distinct devices with open, not muted alerts.

Average Age Open AlertsCard numberThis is an average hours open for open, non muted alerts.

Muted AlertsCard numberThis is a count of open, muted alerts in AEM.

Alerts Resolved TodayOpen Alerts by SiteCard numberThis is a count of alerts resolved today in AEM.

Count of Alerts by Device CategoryBarCard numberThis is a count of open, not muted alerts split out by device category.

Open Alerts by SiteBarThe widget shows the counts of open alerts (not muted) split out by site.

Opened vs Closed Alerts Last 30 DaysBarThis is a count of alerts opened and a count of alerts resolved by day in the last 30 days.
