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Table of Contents


The Datto dashboards package is an integration with the Datto RMM .  This Dashboard Package provides a clean and streamline monitoring of all the machines in the network with each corresponding status and alerts.  

The Alerts helps technicians to act immediately on what specific machines needed to be fix, reboot and audited per site.

Datto Dashboards sample view

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Dashboard Information

efficient way to monitor machines in a network. This dashboard package features the Alerts Dashboard, where alerts like Open Alerts and Alerts Resolved are viewed, and the Machine Monitoring Dashboard, where machine statuses like Servers Offline and Machines Requiring Reboot are found. It also allows technicians to fix problematic machines and audit sites promptly. 

Read this article for a walkthrough of the Datto Dashboard Package and information on the following topics: 

Table of Contents

Sample Views of the Datto RMM Dashboards 

Machine Monitoring Dashboard

machine monitoring dashboardImage Added

Alerts Dashboard

Datto AlertsImage Added

Dashboard Information

Dashboard Name


Dashboard  Name


What problem does it solve?

Target User/s?

Why should the target user care about this/ why is it cool to use?

Machine MonitoringThis dashboard template for Datto RMM
contains a listing of
lists all the machines in your AEM account
, including the corresponding status
as well as
and alerts needed to monitor
  • No visibility on machine and server alerts 
  • I want to know the servers that are offline
  • I want to know all the machines that requires audit, are suspended and requiring reboot
  • Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher

    Provides a clean and efficient way of tracking on machines and servers status.

    Quick response to alerts and machines requiring reboot.

    AlertsThis dashboard displays different gauges that
    shows different Alert statistics.
    • I want to know the Alerts per site per machine.
    • No report on the performance handling of Alerts (Open vs Closed) daily.
    • I want to know the Average Age Open alerts in hours.
    Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher

    By clicking each Alerts, you can view event logs and understand how to address the issue resulting to efficiency gains and better utilization.

    You can also properly allocate resources for maintenance priority per site by knowing which Sites has reported with highest alerts and its devices.

    In terms of performance measure, You can see the comparison between open and closed alerts for the last 30 days and the Average Age Open Alerts (in Hours)
    show different Alert statistics.

    Widgets Information

    Widget NameWidget TypeDescription 
    DashboardWhat problem does it solve?Target User/sWhy should the target user care about this/ why is it cool to use?
    Link Dashboard
    Servers Offline - Datto
    Servers Offline 
    Card Number
    A card number widget showing
    Server Offline - Datto shows the count of server machines
    classified as servers
    that are
    not online nor
    offline or suspended.Machine Monitoring
    No information on servers that are offlineNetwork Technicians, Service Dispatcher

    Quick count on the servers that are offline means easy monitoring. And by clicking the widget, you can see the drill through details on the specific server and what site.  

    Machines Requiring RebootCard Number
    A card number showing
    The Machines Requiring Reboot widget shows the count of machines that are
    not online and require reboot.No information on machines that are offline and needs reboot.Network Technicians, Service DispatcherTo help monitor the machines should be up-to date, this widget provides info on what are the devices needs to be rebooted.  Technicians then can manually or schedule
    offline and requires a reboot.
    Machines Without Recent AuditsCard Number
    A card number widget showing
    The Machines Without Recent Audits widget shows the count of unsuspended machines that have no audit earlier than 7 days ago
    .No visibility on machines that needs audit.Network Technicians, Service DispatcherFor security reason, changes into the machine should be reviewed regularly.  This widget provides info on the list of unsuspended machines that have not yet been audited
    Out of contact
    machinesCard Number
    This is a
    The Out of contact machines widget shows the count of devices
    last seen earlier than 7 days ago
    .No count of the machines last seen
    Network Technicians, Service DispatcherFor inventory monitoring, this widget provides info on what devices that has been offline for 7 days ago, whose the last User and which Site.
    Open AlertsCard Number
    This is a
    Open Alerts shows the count of open alerts in AEM that
    are not muted.
    Need visibility on specific site devices and alerts.Network Technicians, Service DispatcherShow devices with alerts and needed fix.
    Suspended MachinesCard Number
    This is a card number widget that lists down
    The Suspended Machines widget lists the total number of
    suspended machinesNo visibility on
    suspended machines

    Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher

    Provides information details on the list of suspended machines
    Top 25 Installed applicationsGrid
    A column widget showing
    The Top 25 Installed Applications shows the count of installed applications limited to the top 25, not including
    the CentraStage agent.No information on installed application Network Technicians, Service DispatcherFor security reason, this widgets shows top 25 applications that are installed on each devices and does not include
    the CentraStage agent.
    Open AlertsCard Number
    This is a
    Open Alerts shows the count of open alerts in AEM that
    are not muted.Alerts
    Need visibility on specific site devices and alerts.Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher
    To get all the open alerts, this widgets provides  tht total count of devices with alerts and needed fix.
    Alerts Over 5 Hours OldCard number
    This is a
    Alerts Over 5 Hours Old shows the count of open, not muted alerts over 5 hours old
    .Need visibility on specific site and devices with alerts over 5 hours old.Network Technicians, Service DispatcherTo get all the open alerts 5 hours ago, this widgets provides the total count of devices with alerts and needed fix
    With Active AlertsCard number
    This is a count of
    The Devices With Active Alerts widget counts the distinct devices with open, not muted alerts
    .Need visibility on devices with active alerts per site
    Network Technicians, Service DispatcherTo get the latest alerts, this widgets provides real time devices with alerts and needed fix per site.
    Average Age Open AlertsCard number
    This is an
    Average Age Open Alerts show the average hours open for open,
    non muted alerts.No count on the average open alerts per hourNetwork Technicians, Service DispatcherYou can view the Average age open alerts for hours
    not muted alerts.
    Muted AlertsCard number
    This is a count of
    The Muted Alerts widget counts the open, muted alerts in AEM
    .No count on devices were alerts are muted
    Network Technicians, Service DispatcherThis widget provides count on the muted alerts.
    Alerts Resolved TodayCard number
    This is a count of
    Alerts Resolved Today counts the alerts resolved today in AEM.
    Need to know specific count of solved alerts today.Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher
    Count of Alerts by Device CategoryBar
    Real time count of alerts resolved today. Can be used for efficiency monitoring and utilization of tasks.
    Count of Alerts by Device Category
    BarThis is a
    shows the count of open, not muted alerts
    split out by device category.Need to know the number Alerts per device categoryNetwork Technicians, Service DispatcherFor better maintenance priority, this widget provides the count of which specific devices with high reported alerts
    that are categorized by the device.
    Open Alerts
    By SiteBar
    The widget
    Open Alerts By Site shows the counts of open alerts (not muted) split out by site.
    Need to know the number of open Alerts per site.Network Technicians, Service Dispatcher
    Opened vs Closed Alerts Last 30 DaysBarThe

    For optimize resource utilization, this widget provides which sites has a high reported alerts.

    Opened vs Closed Alerts Last 30 Days
    widget is a count of alerts opened and a count of alerts resolved by day in the last 30 days.
    Need to know the comparison of between the Opened vs Closed Alerts for the last 30 days.Network Technicians, Service DispatcherFor performance monitoring , this widget provides the comparison between the count of open vs closed alerts daily.  It shows if the current technicians were able to provide support based on the open alerts reported.  

    How to install the Datto Dashboards Package


     1.  Navigate to the MSPBots Apps page

     2.  Click + Add From Marketplace  

           Image Removed

    3. Select "Datto Dashboards Package" on the list.  Then, click "Add" button.


    1. Go to MarketPlace on the MSPbots app's menu.
    2. Click BI Packages.
      Image Added
    3. Select Datto RMM package. This opens the Datto RMM purchase window.
      Datto RMM BI packageImage Added
    4. Next, click the Purchase button.
      Datto RMM PurchaseImage Added
    5. Proceed to customize your purchase plan by selecting Pay Monthy or Pay Annually. Then, click Purchase.
      Image Added

    How to view the Datto Dashboards



    1. Navigate to


    1. Appson the MSPbots app's menu
    2. Click


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    1. Datto RMM dashboards package. 
      Image Added
    2. Hover over the Dashboards drop-down menu


    1. then,


    1. select either Machine monitoring or Alerts