Versions Compared


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These are the names, descriptions, and template links for ConnectWise bots 3.0. 

Bot Name
Custom BOT Link
Template BOT
LinkClientKB Article
ConnectWise Manage Attached Agreement Prompter
Quality Assurance BOTAlpha
This bot alerts the user if his time entry has no attached agreement.
bot-ConnectWiseManageAttachedAgreementPrompter (
bot-ConnectWiseManageAttachedAgreementPrompterTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Attached Agreement Prompter2Alerts
ConnectWise Manage Time Entry Content Analyzer
Quality Assurance BOTAlpha
This bot alerts the user if his time entry has
or phrases like
"I think
" and/or
"I believe
ConnectWiseManageTimeEntryContentAnalyzer (
ConnectWiseManageTimeEntryContentAnalyzerTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Time Entry Content Analyzer3Alert users
ConnectWise Manage Ticket Open Task Prompter
Quality Assurance BOTAlpha
This bot alerts the user when a ticket is moved
to a defined status but with incomplete
Tasksbot-ConnectWiseManageTicketOpenTaskPrompter ( (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Ticket Open Task Prompter
4Ask users
ConnectWise Manage Work Type Prompter
Quality Assurance BOTAlpha

This bot asks the user to confirm


his Work Type

(normally set as Remote) if their

if his time entry mentions "travel"

bot-ConnectWiseManageWorkTypePrompter (

The work Type is normally set as Remote.

bot-ConnectWiseManageWorkTypePrompterTemplate (
ConnectWise Manage
Work Type Prompter5ConnectWise Manage
Onsite Schedule Prompter Real-Time
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot checks all the tickets with
status containing
the schedule onsite
/on site
status and alerts the technician to go to the site. The reminder
will be
is sent
as it is
time (
timeTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Onsite Schedule Prompter Real-Time6Alert users when their time entry
ConnectWise Manage Prolonged Time Entry Verifier
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot alerts the user when his time entry for 'Actual Hours' is unusually
ConnectWiseManageProlongedTimeEntryVerifier (
ConnectWiseManageProlongedTimeEntryVerifierTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Prolonged Time Entry Verifier
7Asks users if they want
ConnectWise Manage Short Time Entry Verifier
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot asks the user if he wants to bill for a time entry that
is less than x minutes
bot-ConnectWise Manage Short Time Entry Verifier (mspbots

bot-ConnectWiseManageShortTimeEntryVerifierTemplate (

Manage Short Time Entry Verifier8ConnectWise Remind
Ticket In Progress Too Long 3.0
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot reminds the user to take action or ask for help if
a ticket In Progress has not been updated for a period of time
0 (
bot-ConnectWiseTicketInProgressTooLong3.0Template (
ConnectWise Manage
Ticket in Progress Too Long9ConnectWise Manage Alert user to write
No Next Step Time Entry Alert
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot asks the user to input information for the "Next Step"
if there's none in the time entrybot-ConnectWiseManageNoNextStepTimeEntryAlert (
of a time entry if none is provided. bot-ConnectWiseManageNoNextStepTimeEntryAlertTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage No Next Step Time Entry Alert
10Alert users

ConnectWise Manage Remote vs Travel Time Entry Verifier

Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot alerts the user when a
" time entry is incorrectly followed by a
" time entry
bot-ConnectWise Manage Remote vs Travel Time Entry Verifier (mspbots
bot-ConnectWiseManageRemotevsTravelTimeEntryVerifierTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Remote vs Travel Time Entry Verifier11Encourages
ConnectWise Insufficient Time Entry Prompter
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot encourages the user to add more details to a long time entry that has only a short note
bot-ConnectWise Insufficient Time Entry Prompter (mspbots
bot-ConnectWiseInsufficientTimeEntryPrompterTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Insufficient Time Entry Prompter
ConnectWise Manage
Time Entries Overlap AlertQuality Assurance BotAlphaTest Onlybot-ConnectWiseManageTimeEntriesOverlapAlert ( ( Manage Alerts
Password in Time Entry Alert
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot alerts the user if the password seems to be written in the time entry
bot-ConnectWiseManagePasswordinTimeEntryAlert (mspbots
bot-ConnectWiseManagePasswordinTimeEntryAlertTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Password in Time Entry Alert14Alerts users
ConnectWise Manage After Business Hours Verifier
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot alerts the user about a Bus Hrs Service time entry
that was
done after business hours
bot-ConnectWiseManageAfterBusinessHoursVerifier (mspbots
bot-ConnectWiseManageAfterBusinessHoursVerifierTemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage After Business Hours Verifier
ConnectWise Manage Ticket Closure QA
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot performs a QA check after each ticket is closed and sends the results to the user
bot-ConnectWiseManageTicketClosureQA (
bot-ConnectWiseManageTicketClosureQATemplate (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Manage Ticket Closure QA16Reminds
ConnectWise Scheduled Ticket Acknowledgement Alert 3.0
Quality Assurance BotAlpha
This bot reminds the user to acknowledge his scheduled tickets and to check his calendar
bot-ConnectWiseScheduledTicketAcknowledgementAlert3.0 (mspbots
bot-ConnectWiseScheduledTicketAcknowledgementAlert3.0Template (
mspbots.aiConnectWise Scheduled Ticket Acknowledgement Alert 3.0

Content by Label
titleRelated Topics
cqllabel = "bots"