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What's in this article:

Table of Contents

App Description

The NextTicket app is an automated ticket dispatch system that gives the technician and dispatchers a portal where they can identify the next ticket that will be worked on based on a predefined the combination of a pre-defined scoring system by the organization considering predefined rules that will and rules to help deliver value to the MSP faster. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) faster. The NextTicket Manager for Syncro is specifically designed for Syncro users who want to achieve more efficient ticket prioritization and management. For more information on NextTicket and how it works, read the article What is NextTicket Manager?

App Link

How to access the app 

To access the NextTicket app for Syncro in MSPbots, follow these steps:

  1. Go to​
  2. Click Apps in the left pane.​
  3. When the Apps tab opens, click NextTicket for Syncro.​

Why should you care? 


What's on this page:

Table of Contents

Why should I use the NextTicket Manager for Syncro? 


The NextTicket Manager for Syncro has the following benefits for your MSP: 

  • Automatic and unbiased ticket dispatching - Tickets are dispatched automatically based on priority rules and a point system, ensuring that dispatchers and technicians assign and work on tickets objectively based on an approved For Owners and Service Managers: The NextTicket app provides an automated way of dispatching tickets to technicians. It also helps ensure that technicians and dispatchers are objective in catering tickets based on their priority, importance, and time criticality.
  • For Dispatchers: This feature gives dispatchers an automated way of dispatching tickets in a few clicks. You can also Prioritization based on company requirements - The priority rules and point system that define prioritization are based on the priorities, importance, and criticality approved by the company. This improves the speed and accuracy of ticket assignment and prioritization remarkably.  As a dispatcher, you save 80% of your time allotted for assigning tickets and see the highest ticket priority for each technician based on their skill set.
  • For Technicians: This feature helps technicians Quick identification of next tickets - As a technician, you can quickly identify the ticket they tickets you should work on next . If a technician and monitor tickets scheduled for the day on the same page. You can also reject a ticket if you cannot work on the assigned ticket, he can reject it yet as long as he specifies the you provide a valid reason for rejection. Technicians can also monitor their scheduled tickets for the day on the same page.




Who can use the NextTicket for Syncro app?  


This app is available to the following: 

  • Syncro users with a working integration with MSPbots 
  • Technicians and dispatchers within the company's active directory 
  • Administrators with admin permissions for setting up the filters, points system, and priority rules 

For NextTicket to function successfully, ensure that the Priority Rules are set up.




admin users can modify these on the


Settings tab.


Image Modified



Add companies to the Watch List
Image Modified

Accessing the NextTikcet Manager for Syncro 


Follow these steps to access the NextTicket app for Syncro in MSPbots:  

  1. Open the MSPbots app
  2. Click Apps on the left pane.​
  3. When the Apps tab opens, search for NextTicket for Syncro and click it to open.​



Setting up NextTicket   



Only Admin users have permission to adjust the settings for the NextTicket app.


How to set the ticket filter

You can set filters to narrow down the tickets applicable to each technician. 

To Follow these steps to set the ticket filter, follow these steps:

  1. On the NextTicket for Syncro screen, select the Tickets filter list, and then click Add New Filter
    Image Removedadd new NextTicket filterImage Added
  2. When the Filter Settings the Filter Settings window opens, enter a name for your filter in the Filter Name box.
  3. Next, add a condition for your filter by selecting the appropriate filter type from the Select Fields list.
  4. To complete your condition, enter additional details in the two new fields or lists that appear beside the Select Fields dropdown.
  5. When you're done setting up the filter, click Save.

    If you want to add more groups or conditions for the filter, click add ticket filter conditionImage Modified and then select either Add Group or Add Condition.
    add filter condition
    You can also click Preview to check if your new filter settings or conditions are valid before you save the changes. 
    preview NextTicket filter
    For more information on NextTicket filters, read the article How to Setup Filters for NextTicket Manager


How to delete filter conditions

Filter conditions are deleted in the Filter Settings Settings window. 

  • To delete filter conditions individually, click delete NextTicket filterImage Modified corresponding to the filter condition that you want to delete.
    delete a condition
  • To delete all filter conditions at once, clickdelete all NextTicket filtersImage Modifiedand then click Clear All
    delete multiple conditions


How to reject the top-priority ticket of a user

On the NextTicket for Syncro screen, after you select a filter and a user , to refresh the Request Next Ticket option automatically refreshes, and then show the details of the user's top priority ticket appear on the screen.  If If you think that the ticket should not be the top priority ticket of the user,  you can reject the ticket . It is also necessary to specify and provide the reason why the user you can't work on the ticket.​

To reject the top priority ticket of a user, follow these stepsFollow these steps to reject a top-priority ticket:

  1. On the NextTicket for Syncro screen, select the applicable filter from the Tickets filter list.
  2. From the User list, select the applicable user to see his or her the top priority ticket. 
  3. Once the details of the user's top priority ticket appear on the screen, review the Review the ticket details, and then click click Reject Next Ticket.
  4. When the Reject Reason the Reject Reason window opens, select or type the reason why you want to reject the ticket, and then click Save
    reject reason



Setting up the point system for priority rules​


You can define Defining the point system for the NextTicket for Syncro priority Syncro priority rules to calibrate calibrates the prioritization of the tickets. 

How to set up the point system

  1. Click Settings on the NextTicket for Syncro screenSyncro screen, and select NextTicket For Syncro Priority Rules.
  2. Go to the Tickets filter and User fields and select the options that apply to your requirements.
  3. Next, set up the priority rules.
    1. Select a ticket priority type from the If ticket priority = field.
    2. Then Next in the the add points field, enter the number of points that will be given to tickets that meet the condition selected in Step 3a. 
      Image Removedadd points to ticketImage Added
      You can refer to the section on the priority rules and functions below to know which rules meet your requirementrequirements. The rows of the priority rules are expanded by default. You can click the the Priority Point rules switch to collapse all rows.
  4. After Do any of the following options after setting up each priority rule, you can click do any of the following:
    • Click Image Removedin front of Enable the rule to enable the ruleby clicking the corresponding toggleenable rule toggle switchImage Addedswitch.
    • Click Image Removedthe Load Default button to load the the rule's default value for the rule. Click the Load DefaultImage Addedicon.
    • Click Image Removedthe Save & Testbutton to Image Addedicon to save the changes for the specific priority rule and to test the values of the rule.
    • Click Image Removed the Save button to save the changes for the specific priority rule.
    • Save your changes on the rule by clicking the SaveImage Addedicon.
    • Delete the rule and click the Delete Image Added icon Click Image Removed the Delete button to delete the rule.
  5. After Do any of the following options after setting up all your preferred priority rules, do any of the following:
    • Click Test All to test the calculation result for all the priority rules. Click Test All. 
    • Click Load Default All to load the default values for all the priority rules. Click Load Default All
    • Save Click Save and select Save All to save the changes for all the priority rules. Click Save and select Save All
    • Click Save and select Save Rule as Template to save the changes for all the priority rules as a template.In the Save Rule as Template window,set the Template Name and click Save.

Best Practices in setting the priority rules for NextTicket for Syncro

  1. Interview your dispatcher or technician to identify the rules and conditions like thisfor your filters. An example of a rule is: If (given scenario), then it should be given give more (or less) importancepoints
  2. Review each of the point rules you have identified. Use the Save & Test function to test each rule.
  3. Use the Test all function to balance the points between the rules and check if the prioritization brings up your expected resultresults.
  4. Ask Encourage your technicians to give the NextTicket app a try and give you feedback.  
  5. Adjust the rules and points based on the dispatcher's or technicians' feedback.
  6. Continue updating the rules and corresponding priority points for two weeks. The resulting prioritization should improve over time and you won't need to modify anymore. 
  7. Request and create new rules that are not similar or duplicates of existing ones. 

What are the NextTicket priority rules and functions?

Below are the priority rules and descriptions of how each rule functions when enabled. For information on how to activate, test, save, delete, and request priority rules, read the article article NextTicket Manager Priority Rules

Priority Rule Function
Assigned User Due DateIndicate the points to be added to a ticket based on its current status and the person to whom it is assigned.-----??Adjusts the priority for tickets assigned to a specific user and with a specific due date 
Assigned to UserIf the ticket is Adjusts the priority for tickets assigned to the current user, indicate the points to be added.user 
Company in "Watch List"Indicate the points to be added if a company is in the watch list.Adjusts the prioritization of tickets with a company on the watch list 
In Progress TicketDeduct Point to tickets that are currently In-Progress so it would be a lower Set this rule to deduct priority points from tickets with the In-Progress status to decrease its priority to other users.
Past Due Date

Set Allows you to indicate how many priority points to should be added on to a ticket every hour past its due 

Priority TypeSet how many points to be added on a ticket depending on its priority type.Adds priority points to tickets according to the priority type 
Ticket AgeAdd corresponding Adds priority points to a ticket for every min/hour/day elapsed from creation date.minute, hour, or day after the creation date 
Ticket In Status With Past DueChange the Adjust priority points based on the ticket status and , past due or not.not 
Ticket Status to UserSet how many Adjusts priority points to be added on a ticket depending on its tickets based on the ticket status and assigned user.user 
Ticket TitleIdentify a keyword that might be Allows you to adjust points for tickets with specific keywords in the ticket title and add corressponding points if it is present.title 
Time In Status Per MinutesSet how many points to be added on a ticket in Allows you to add priority points for every minute that it is still a ticket stays on the same status.status  
Time from Last UpdateSet how many this rule to add priority points to be added on a ticket tickets every hour past its their last update time.time 

Related Topics



Adding companies to the watch list​


By adding companies to your the watch list, you can give additional points to the tickets logged by these companies and follow up as needed. that they log so you can bump the priority of their tickets.

To Follow these steps to add ​companies to the watch list, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the NextTicket for Syncro screen, click Settings > Watch List For Syncro.
  2. When the Watch List tab opens, click Add Company.
  3. In the Add Company window, select the check box checkbox for the companies you want to add.​
  4. If you want to show and select only companies with an agreement, select the checkbox for Only show companies have an agreement. Type the reason for adding the selected companies in the Why add to the watch list? field. 
  5. Click Save when done adding. 

For more information on using the Watch List, read the article How to use the Watch List in NextTicket Manager

FOR TECHNICIANS: How to use NextTicket for Syncro


Viewing your top-priority



As a technician, your next top-priority ticket is shown on the NextTicket for Syncro screen where you can also request or reject the next ticket assigned to you.


  1. Go to the NextTicket for Syncro screen and select a filter from the Tickets filter list. The screen automatically refreshes and shows the details of your next top-priority ticket. 
  2. Select either Dashboard View or List View to view the ticket details according to your preference.


Reject your top-priority ticket

You can reject your next top-priority ticket if you think that it should not be your next ticket. It is also necessary to specify the reason why you can't work on the ticket.​


For more information on how to use NextTicket, read the articleWhat is NextTicket Manager?

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