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  1. Configure theAlert bot block in MSPbots to send messages to Slack. For instructions on setting up the Alert bot block, refer to the section Define the Alert Script in the article How to Create a Bot
    image alert bot block with Slack options

  2. Next, add the MSPbots app to the channel in Slack.
    1. In the conversation bar of the channel where you want to send messages, type @ and select MSPbots.
      image MSPbots in Slack channel. 
    2. When the prompt Want to add this person instead? opens, click Add to Channel.
      image add to channel 
    3. A message that says "MSPbots joined" means you can start sending messages to this channel in MSPbots. 

      image MSPbots joined

      • Currently, Attendance, help and nt commands are supported. Please note that when entering a command, you must prefix it with /. For example, /in/help.

        • Attendance commands
          • /in - Updates your status to in and records the start time of your work in the database.
          • /break - Updates your status to break and records the start time of your break.
          • /lunch - Updates your status to lunch and records the start time of your lunch break.
          • /onsite - Updates your status to onsite and records the time you are working at the client's location.
          • /back - Updates your status to in and records the time when you switch back from the break or lunch status to working status.
          • /out - Updates your status to out and records the end time of your work.
          • /wfh - Updates your status to wfh and records the start time of your remote work at a location such as your home.

        • Other commands
          •  /help - Entering the command /help gets the ticket's description and company details. This can help you quickly understand the content of the work order, reduce the time required to resolve issues, and improve work efficiency. It will return a message like the following: 
            image command help message
            • Clicking the Next tickets button on this message returns the next ticket information, while clicking the Reject this ticket button brings up the Reject Ticket pop-up window where you must provide the reason for rejection. 
              image reject ticket pop-up
          • /nt - Entering the /nt command returns the next ticket in your PSA that is in the highest priority and its details.

            If commands are not displayed in the conversation list when you entering / before the command, or if you see the following message, please follow the instructions below:
            image slack chat messageImage Modified

            1. Go to Settings > User Management on the MSPbots navigation bar.
            2. Find the user on the User Management list and click the corresponding Edit button under the Action column.
            3. In the Edit window, scroll down to the THIRD-PARTY PLATFORM MAPPING section and check if the user's name is selected under Slack User Mapping. If it is not selected, select it and click Confirm. If it is already selected, wait for the data synchronization to complete. This may take around ten minutes. after which you can start using commands in the Slack chat dialog. 
              image Slack user mappingImage Added

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