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The Next Ticket Feature is an automated ticket dispatch system that gives the technician and dispatchers a portal where they can identify the next ticket that will be worked on based on a predefined scoring system by the organization considering predefined rules that will help deliver value to the MSP faster.


App Link


How to access the app 

To access the Next Ticket feature for ConnectWise in MSPbots, follow these steps:


  • Set Up Priority Rules (only Admin users can modify these on the Settings tab)
  • Optional: Add Companies to Watch List 


Data Sources



Admin Users: Setup Procedures ​


Priority RuleFunction
Assigned to User 

Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if it is assigned to the selected user.

Company StatusSelect a status of a company from where the ticket was logged, and then indicate the corresponding points to be added to a ticket if the criterion is met.

This is where you can avoid catering tickets from companies that have a negative tagging in your organization like Credit Hold or Delinquent.

You can also boost tickets from companies who are in 'Platinum', 'Needs Attention' or 'May Leave' status.
Company Type

Select a company type of a company from where the ticket was logged, and then indicate the corresponding points to be added to a ticket if the criterion is met.

Company in "Watch List" Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if a company is on the watch list.​
Company is Matched to User 

Select a company from where the ticket was logged, and then select the technician requested to handle the ticket. ​

Lastly, indicate the corresponding points to be added to a ticket if the criteria are met.​

Some of your users may prefer handling tickets from specific clients due to several reasons like familiarity of work items. On the other hand, some users may want to avoid specific companies due to possible conflict or severed relationship state.

Contact's Job Title 

Select the job title of the person who logged the ticket, and then indicate the corresponding points for the criteria.

Customer Responded 

Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if the customer responded to the ticket in ConnectWise.
In Progress Ticket Indicate the points to be deducted from the ticket if it is in progress for other users, or points to be added to the ticket if the user changed the ticket status to In Progress.​

If somebody else is already working on a ticket, dispatching it to another user might cause overlap. But when a ticket has been in progress for too long that the original user assigned to it may have forgotten to continue working on it, 'Time In Certain Status ' and 'Time from Last Update' priority rules can be adjusted to ensure these tickets won't be buried in the pool.

Indicate the points to be added to a ticket for every $1 of agreement MRR.

This will help you prioritize the companies who are more profitable in your organization.

Past Due Date Indicate the points to be added to a ticket for every hour past its due date.​
Priority Type Indicate the points to be added to a ticket based on a specific priority level.
Scheduled Status 

Select a scheduled status, and then indicate the corresponding points when it is within the minimum and maximum time set before or after its start or end time.

This priority rule will help you manage scheduled tickets to avoid scenarios where users pick up tickets that are scheduled for others before the schedule starts or the user forgetting to work on tickets that are scheduled for them right after the schedule begins.

Selected Assigned Indicate the points to be added to a ticket based on a specific status and requested user.​
Ticket Owner Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if the selected user is the owner of the ticket.
Ticket Status Duration Indicate the points to be added to a ticket for every hour that it remains in the same status.​
Ticket Summary 

Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if the ticket summary contains the specified keywords.

You can capture blockers that prevent your clients to continue their operations easily or sort tickets based on specific topics which may be assigned to technicians with great expertise on those areas.

Time In Certain Status 

Indicate the points to be added

to a

to a ticket if

the ticket

it has been in

a selected

the specified status for more than

or less

or less than


the specified duration.

Time from Last Update Indicate the points to be added to a ticket for every hour past the time that it was last updated.​
User's skills and ticket type match 

Indicate the points to be added to a ticket if the selected user possesses the skill specified in the priority rule.

Add companies to the watch list​
