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  • Client Asset Dashboard Migration - Setting. This dashboard lists the Brightgauge assets that are available for migration and has columns for the shows details like Brightgauage Link, Dashboard Name, Gauges Included, Operations, and Type (of asset). This is where you select assets and request their migration. To view the Client Asset Migration - Setting dashboard, open the Brightgauage Migration app and go to Settings > Migration Dashboard - Setting
    Migration Dashboard - SettingImage Added

  • Migration Dashboard - Client. This dashboard is where you track the completion progress of your migrations and perform operations like comment and cancel your request. Some of the information in this dashboard is Priority, Status, Complete Rate, and ETA. To view the Client Asset Migration - Setting dashboard, open the Brightgauage Migration app and go to Dashboards > Migration Dashboard - Client
    migration dashboard-clientImage Added

How to


request and set the


priority of assets for migration 


The Client Asset Dashboard Migration - Setting lists the Brightgauge dashboards that are available for migration. dashboards you have in Brightgauge, is where you can configure the priority of for synchronizing these dashboards to MSPbots on this page..

Request and set the priority of a batch of assets 

  1. Log in to the MSPbots app with using the Admin admin role.
  2. Go to App > Apps and open Brightgauge Migration.

  3. Hover your mouse over Settings and select Migration Dashboard - Setting.

  4. Select the dashboards for migration.
  5. Configure the priority of dashboards to be migrated.Bulk configure the priorities of dashboards. Select the button corresponding to your preferred prioritization. 
      one or more dashboards.Click on the button in the top right corner.
    • Batch High RequestRequest 
    • Batch Medium RequestRequest 
    • Batch Low RequestRequest 
      Image Removedprioritize dashboards for migrationImage Added
    • Click Click Confirm.
      Image Removedconfirm request priorityImage AddedConfigure

Request and set the priority for a single dashboard 

  1. Open Brightgauge Migration and select Settings Migration Dashboard - Setting of a specific dashboard.
  2. Select the Brightgauge dashboard that the client wishes to migrate.needs to be migrated. 
  3. Click on Request in under the Operations column to open a .
  4. Enter the following information in the pop-up window.Pop-up Window Fields: 
    • Dashboard - The Type the name of the dashboard.
    • BG Link - The Provide the link to the dashboard in Brightgauge. 
    • Priority - Select high, medium,or low from the drop-down priority from the dropdown menu. 
    • Remark - Add any additional remarks or comments. 
      Image Modified
  5. Click Confirm to to save the configuration. 

How to


monitor the migration status 


You Once your dashboards start migrating, you can view the progress of the migration, verify migration progress in the Migration Dashboard - Client as soon as the dashboards start migrating. Actions like verifying the accuracy of the migrated dashboards, complete completing or canceling the migration, cancel the migration, or add comments to these dashboards here.and adding comments are also done here. 

To manage the migration status: 

  1. Log in to the MSPbots app with using the Admin admin role. 
  2. Go to Apps > Brightgauge Migration.

  3. Hover your mouse over Dashboards and select Migration Dashboard - Client.

  4. On the Do any of the following options on the Migration Dashboard - Client page, you can manage the migration of dashboards.
    • Cancel - Click Image Removedthe Cancel button, and click Confirm to cancel the migration of the dashboard.
      Image Removedcancel migration requestImage Added
    • Complete -  When the The Complete Rate shows how much of the dashboard migration is done. Once it shows 100%, you can click on  click the corresponding link in the under the Dashboard Name column to check and verify the accuracy and completeness of the data on that dashboard.
      Image RemovedImage Added
      If it is correctverified, please click Image Removedthe Complete button to finish the migration of that dashboard. The Status of both and change the status of the dashboard and the widgets within the dashboard will be displayed as widgets to Published. 
      complete and publish dashboardImage Added

    • Comment - If you find any inaccuracies in the data is inaccurate or wrong, please click Image Removedthe Comment button to open Comment
      comment on migrationImage Added
      Enter your notes and instructions in the pop-up window
      , add comments to indicate which data is incorrect, then click Confirm; . Identify the inaccuracies and how they should be corrected. Click Confirm and we will address it this promptly.
      Image Removed 
      instructions migrationImage Added

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