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The MSPbots Usage Report shows the performance and usage summary of MSPbots assets such as bots, widgets, and apps like the Attendance app. 

Table of Contents

How to access the MSPBots Usage Report: 

  1. Navigate to Settings on the MSPbots app menu.
  2. Click MSPBots Usage Report.

What are the widgets on the MSPbots Usage Report dashboard?  

Bot message last 7 daysShows the total bot messages generated in the last 7 days.
Bot usage read rate last 7 daysShows the read rate percentage for bot messages in the last 7 days.

Widget page view last 7 days

Shows the total widget page views in the last 7 days.

Attendance usage last 7 days

Shows the total attendance time entry count in the last 7 days.

MSPbots usage Last 7 days

Shows the total MSPbots app assets usage for the following:

    • Total bot alert messages generated per user: received, read, and replied messages 
    • Total widget unique page views per user 
    • Last login date per user

MSPbots bots usage last 7 days

Shows the total alert messages generated, received, and read per bot including the total summary count. 

Bot usage view grouped by month

Shows the total alert messages generated, received, and read per bot per month including the read rate percentage. 

Client bot message by Status

Shows the total bot alert messages generated, received, and read per week using trend lines.  

MSPbots widget usage

Shows the total page views and unique visitors per widget.

Client widget usage details

Shows the monthly total page views, unique visitors, and page views for widgets per user.

Client bot message by month

Shows the total bot messages generated per month.

Top 20 bots in read last 30 days

Shows the top 20 most read bots alert messages for the last 30 days. 

Top 20 widgets viewed last 30 days

Shows the top 20 most viewed widgets for the last 30 days. 

Widgets page view history

Shows the weekly total of widgets page view and widgets page view per user using trend lines.

Client attendance usage

Shows the total attendance time entry count per month.

Client attendance usage history

Shows the total attendance time entry count per week.