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DashboardsWidgetsWidget Description
Team GPS KPI Time Entries - Connectwise ManageTeam GPS - Average Billable Hours Last 7 DaysShows a detailed breakdown of member's billable hours for the last 7 days per memberdays 
Team GPS - Productive Time - Last 7 Days Team GPS - Productive Time - Last 7 DaysShows each member's productive time in the last 7 days. 
Team GPS Late Time Entry Count Last 7 Days This report shows Shows the number of late time entries for each member over the past 7 days. Late time entries are calculated as the difference between the start time and the date_entered time of the time entries.
Team GPS - Billable Utilization Last 7 DaysShows each member's billable utilization per member in the last 7 days. 
Team GPS Unscheduled Leave Last 7 Days Count Shows the count of each member's unscheduled leave for the last 7 days per member. 
Count if the time entry charge or work role is as selected as PTO in the settings.days   
Team GPS Ticket KPI - ConnectWise ManageTeam GPS - Same Day Close Ticket Details Last 7 DaysSame Day Close Ticket Details for your team with our intuitive widget. This gauge displays Shows the number of tickets that each member closed on the same day they the tickets were opened, per member resources.
Team GPS - Member First Touch Resolution Last 7 Days Ticket Details

Member Details with Drill Shows member details with a drill-through for ticket idID, board name, summary resolved by, resolved date, and time_entry count. 

Shows a count of tickets resolved by a member that has equal to or less than 1-time entries. 

Team GPS - Resolved Tickets Last 7 Days

Member Details Shows the member details with Drill through for ticket idID, board name, summary resolved by, and resolved date

Team GPS - P1 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 1 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P1 Resplan SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 1 Resplan SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P1 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 1 Resolution SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P2 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 2  SLA Compliance for each team member Response SLA Compliance over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P2 Resplan SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 2 Resplan SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P2 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 2 Resolution SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.

Team GPS - P3 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 3 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P3 Resplan SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 3 Resplan SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS - P3 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details  Last 7 Days

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 3 Resolution SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.

Team GPS Ticket KPI - Kaseya BMSTeam GPS - Same Day Close Ticket Details Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Same Day Close Ticket Details for your team with our intuitive widget. This gauge displays Shows the number of tickets each member closed on the same day they the tickets were opened, per member resources. 

Team GPS - Member First Touch Resolution Last 7 Days Ticket Details | Kaseya BMS

Member Details with Drill Shows the member details with drill-through for ticket id, board name, summary resolved by, resolved date, and time_entry count.  

Shows a count of tickets resolved by a member that has equal to or less than 1-time entries. 

Team GPS - Resolved Tickets Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Member Details with Drill Shows member details with drill-through for ticket id, board name, summary resolved by, and resolved date

Team GPS -P1 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 1 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS -P1 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 1 Resolution SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels. Priority is based on the settings on the Team GPS settings. days   

Team GPS -P2 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 2 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS -P2 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 2 Resolution SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days . Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels. Priority is based on the settings on the Team GPS settingss

Team GPS -P3 Response SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows each member's compliance to Priority 3 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels.days 

Team GPS -P3 Resolution SLA Compliance Ticket Details - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Priority 2 Shows each member's compliance to Priority 3 Response SLA Compliance for each team member over the last 7 days. Gain insight into individual performance with a clear and concise visual representation of compliance levels. Priority is based on the settings on the Team GPS settings. days   

Team GPS KPI Time Entries - Kaseya BMSTeam GPS - Average Billable Hours Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows a detailed breakdown of each member's billable hours in the last 7 days per memberdays 

Team GPS - Productive Time - Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows Productive Time the productive time per member in the last 7 days. days 

Team GPS Late Time Entry Count Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

This report shows Shows the number of late time entries for each member over the past 7 days. Late time entries are calculated as the difference between the start time and the date created time of the time entries. 

Team GPS - Billable Utilization Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Shows Billable Time each member's billable time per member in the last 7 days.

Team GPS Unscheduled Leave Last 7 Days | Kaseya BMS

Count Shows the count of each member's unscheduled leave for the last 7 days per member. 
Count if the time entry charge or work role is as selected as PTO in the settings. days 

Team GPS Alternative Unified CSAT Member KPITeam GPS CSAT Score

Shows the Team GPS CSAT daily scores in the last 90 daysComputation : Number of highest scores divided by the number of responses group by response date

Team GPS Daily CSAT Response Rate

Shows the Team GPS daily CSAT Response Rate in the last 90daysComputation : 
Number of responses divided by the total number of survey per survey date90 days

Team GPS CSAT Score per Tech

Shows the Team GPS CSAT Scores per resource /or technician in the last 90 days

Computation : 
Number of highest scores divided by the number of responses grouped by resource/technician

Team GPS Daily CSAT Response Rate per Tech

Shows the Team GPS daily CSAT Response Rate per resource /or technician in the last 90 daysComputation : 
Number of responses divided by the total number of survey group by resource/technician days