Versions Compared


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This guide will help you do the following steps for connecting the MSPbots SQL agent to MSPbots:  

Table of Contents

Verify if you are using a previous version of SQL Agent.

If you have SQL Agent 3.0 installed, proceed to Step 2. If an older version is installed, uninstall it first with the following steps:  

    1. Go to the Agent installation directory. 
    2. Find the unins000.exe file and run it. 
      uninstall SQL AgentImage Removed 



Complete the prerequisites. 

The following is required to connect the agent: 

Internal IP of the SQL Server 

To get the internal IP: 

    1. Launch the Control Panel and open Network and Sharing Center
      network and sharingImage Added
    2. On the Network and Sharing Center, click your Connection. 
      wifi connectionImage Added
    3. When the Wi-Fi Status window appears, click the Properties button. 
      wifi propertiesImage Added
    4. Take note of your IPv4 Address
      IP addressImage Added

db_datareader permissions

    1. Open your SQL server and select db_datareader permissions for MSPbots.

      Giving any account full DB access is not recommended.

      db user permissionsImage Added
    2. Click OK.

Connect the MSPbots agent. 

    1. Go to Integrations on the MSPbots app menu. 
    2. Find the SQL Agent and click the Config icon.
      SQL agent config
    3. Next, click the download icon for the MSPbots SQL Agent Client to start downloading the installer file.
      download sql agent
    4. Locate and double-click on the downloaded installer.
    5. During the setup, select Automatic start and Create a desktop shortcut, then click Next
      sql setup
    6. Follow the prompts. In the last step, tick the Launch MSPbotsAgentService checkbox and click Finish. The window will automatically close when the service starts.

      complete sql setup 


    1. Open the Agent client by double-clicking on the shortcut you created in Step 2e above. 
    2. Go back to Integrations and click the Add Connector button.
      add connectorImage Added
    3. Scroll down to the SQL Server section and select a Database type.
      sql server database configImage Added 
    4. Log in using your MSPbots account. You can Minimize or Close the window after login but do not log out. 
      login agent client
    5. Go

      Once logged in, navigate back to the Integrations

      and click the Add Connector button.
      add connectorImage Removed
    6. Scroll down to the SQL Server section and select a Database type.
      sql server database configImage Removed 
    7. section of the MSPbots app. Find the SQL Agent connection and provide all of the following required info:

      • Database Type - Select either SQL Server or MySQL.
      • Agent - The agent will auto-populate with the machine name you installed.
      • IP - Provide the internal IP address or FQDN of the SQL or MySQL server.
      • Database Name 
      • Time Zone - Select your time zone. 
      • User ID - This is the username of the user with read-only access to the database.
      • Password - This is the password of the user with read-only access to the database.
        SQL agent infoImage Added
    8. Click Configure the following database information:
      For SQL Server 
      The Database IP information configuration rules are:
      Default instance + Default port (1433): IP
      Default instance + Custom port: IP,XXXX
      Default instance + Custom port: IP\ Instance Name,XXXX 
      For My SQL
      The Database uses the default port (3306): IP 
      The Database uses a custom port number: IP;port=XXXX 
      sql db ip settingsImage RemovedAfter the configuration is complete, click Save And Sync
    9. Refresh your browser. 
