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This guide shows how to switch a user's account status in Attendance Manager from Enabled to Disabled. This procedure is for clients that want to give Attendance Manager access to new users or to delete user accounts for staff members who have left their organization.

Only an admin can perform this process. Disabled accounts will no longer have access to Attendance Manager. 

To enable or disable an account

  1. Log in to the MSPbots app using your Office 365 account and go to Apps.
    MSPbots Apps
  2. On the Apps tab, look for Attendance and open it.
  3. Next, on the Attendance tab, go to Settings and select Users Work Schedule from the dropdown menu.
  4. O the Users Work schedule tab, tick the checkbox beside the user's name.
    select user work schedule
    To enable a user, click Enable attendance or turn on the toggle switch under the Attendance column.
    enable attendance
    To disable a user, click Disable attendance or turn off the toggle switch under the Attendance column. 
    disable attendance

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