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  1. Log in to the MSPbots app with the Admin role.
  2. Go to App > Brightgauge Migration.
  3. Hover your mouse over Settings and select Migration Dashboard - Setting.
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  4. Configure the priority of dashboards to be migrated.
    • Bulk configure the priorities of dashboards.
      1. Select one or more dashboards.
      2. Click on the button in the top right corner.
        • Batch High Request
        • Batch Medium Request
        • Batch Low Request

      3. Click Confirm.
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    • Configure the priority of a specific dashboard.

      1. Select the Brightgauge dashboard that the client wishes to migrate.

      2. Click on Request in the Operations column to open a pop-up window.

      3. Pop-up Window Fields:

        • Dashboard - The name of the dashboard.

        • BG Link - The link to the dashboard in Brightgauge.

        • Priority - Select high, medium, or low from the drop-down menu.

        • Remark - Add any additional remarks or comments.

      4. Click Confirm to save the configuration.


  1. Log in to the MSPbots app with the Admin role.
  2. Go to Apps > Brightgauge Migration.
  3. Hover your mouse over Dashboards and select Migration Dashboard - Client.
  4. On the Migration Dashboard - Client page, you can manage the migration of dashboards.
    • Cancel - Click the Cancel button, and click Confirm to cancel the migration of the dashboard.
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    • Complete - When the Complete Rate of the dashboard migration shows 100%, you can click on the link in the Dashboard Name column to check the accuracy of the data on that dashboard.

      • If it is correct, please click the Complete button to finish the migration of that dashboard. The Status of both the dashboard and the widgets within the dashboard will be displayed as Published.
      • If you find any inaccuracies in the data, please click the Comment button to open the pop-up window, add comments to indicate which data is incorrect, then click Confirm; and we will address it promptly.
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