N-able N-central offers complete network visibility for on-premise or cloud-based networks. It enables you to map client networks, deploy templates, and use automation policies. Integrating N-central with MSPbots provides real-time notifications and BI automations, leading to better IT management. This article shows the step-by-step guide for connecting N-able N-central to MSPbots. 

What's on this page: 


You must have the following to establish a successful connection: 

Setting up the N-able N-central integration 

The following procedure requires admin rights.

  1. Create an API-only user and turn off Two-Factor Authentication

    1. Set the default administrator role.

    2. Set the default administrator group.

    3. Select MFA Not Required.

    4. Select API-only user

    5. Scroll down and click Save

  2. Log in to the MSPbots app and go to Integrations.  

  3. Search for N-able N-Central and click it to open the configuration settings.

  4. In the API URL field, enter <server address>, where <server address> is the FQDN or IP address of your N-able N-central server. 

    Remove all the trailing slashes from the FQDN or IP. Example: If the URL is http://Your_FQDN_or_IP/dms2/servicexx/Servexxx?wsdl, use http://Your_FQDN_or_IP


  5. Enter the User Name and Password of the API-only user.
    N-central integration settings MSPbots

  6. Click Save And Sync.

Error "Authorization failed" 

The error "Authorization failed" appears on the N-able N-central integration in the MSPbots app. 

N-central authorization failed

This is possibly caused by an inactive or disabled user status in N-central. To resolve this, contact your administrator and ensure that your status is active. Once you confirm that your account is active, reconnect and authorize connection to MSPbots again. 

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